HC Verma Solutions: Chapter 29 - Electric Field and Potential

Electric Field and Potential HC Verma Concepts of Physics Solutions

HC Verma Concepts of Physics Solutions for the chapter number 29 "Electric Field and Potential" are given below. Solutions to all the exercise problems of the chapter in order are provided in detail. We suggest you not to misuse the solutions; never be completely dependent on solutions. Instead, use them wisely to save your time.

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Contents of the Chapter "Electric Field and Potential HC Verma Chapter 29"

Following topics of Electrostatics are covered in the chapter Electric Field and Potential (Chapter 29).
  • Electric charge, its types and properties
  • Coulomb's Law
  • Electric Field and Principle of Superposition
  • Electric Field due to a Point Charge and System of Point Charges
  • Electric Field due to Uniformly Charged Circular Ring
  • Lines of Electric Force
  • Electric Potential Energy
  • Electric Potential due a Point Charge and System of Point Charges
  • Relation between Electric Field and Electric Potential 
  • Equipotential Surfaces
  • Electric Dipole
  • Electric Field and Potential due to a Dipole
  • Torque on Electric Dipole placed in Electric Field
  • Potential Energy of a Dipole placed in Uniform Electric Field
  • Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors 
  • Electric Field inside a Conductor
Hindi Hearts

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